Ensuring your team keep your Customer Standards high, with Sentinel

Do you have a set of well-crafted customers standards that keep you the right side of the line? Of course you do.

That said, can you listen to every call, watch every video, read every sales email and so make sure your team are up to your mark every time?

Compliance Scoring Page


Martec can and we do.

In the high stakes Automotive Retail environment there is no more well proven programme that monitors, analyses and alerts you to potential challenges in the compliance arena.

Martec’s trained analysts monitor millions of transactions and ensure your team follow your directives in specific key areas.

They include: 

  • OEM Process’
  • GDPR
  • PCI
  • FCA
    • Prevention of “Foreseeable Harm”
    • Demonstration that act in “Good Faith”
    • Demonstration that you “Enable & Support”

Turn on Sentinel, give us your ‘Oversight’ criteria and rest assured we guard your activity, alert for challenges and give you the breathing space to manage your business.

Try us today and see how Martec can ensure your team keep your customer standards    


Martec Compliance

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